When we started the hiking in January, we called it Walking Wednesdays.
We soon realized that even though we planned the hikes looking at the maps, on the ground the maps did not reflect reality. This created a challenge when somehow a message got out that we were lost. And some people over reacted and wanted to send out a search party. This was kind of silly as we were really exploring.
So we decided to change the name to Wednesday Explorers to reflect that reality.
In order to make that clearer, we also later included the byline
We're not lost we are exploring.
And this has proven true.
It took us 3 different exploratory routes before we found our way from Paso Ancho to Tisingal. And 2 different exploratory routes before finding the Ecotreat Waterfall. We are constantly trying new paths and routes to see where we land up.
And the result has been that we have found some truly amazing hikes that we can now share with the larger group of explorers.